Launch of Wake Up Hyderabad Campaign - November, 2010 |
Deputy Speaker Nadendla Manohar Launching the Wake Up Hyderabad Campaign along with Dr. Ananda Shankar, Dr. P. Raghuram, Mr. Ramesh Jackson, D. Ramchandram and Chaitanya M.R.S.K. |
In an effort to harness the energy, imagination and initiative of the world’s youth in overcoming the challenges facing humankind, from enhancing peace to boosting economic development, the United Nations proclaimed an International Year of Youth starting on 12 August 2010.
In its resolution proclaiming the Year, the General Assembly called on governments, civil society, individuals and communities worldwide to support activities at local and international levels to mark the event. Under the theme ‘Dialogue and Mutual Understanding,’ the Year aims to encourage dialogue and understanding across generations and promote the ideals of peace, respect for human rights and freedoms, and solidarity.
It encourages young people to dedicate themselves to fostering progress, including the attainment of the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which seek to slash a host of social ills, ranging from extreme poverty and hunger to maternal and infant mortality to lack of access to education and health care, all by 2015.
Community services lack visibility in our Indian Universities. Inspite of a few inspired youngsters coming forward, there is a huge gap that needs to be bridged to involve the youth who constitute about half of India’s population – into social responsibility.
Wake up Hyderabad campaign is specially crafted to harness the power of the youth and to involve them into the process of decision making and social change. The year long activities to celebrate the International year of youth would involve and expose the youth to various activities of decision making, community service, sharing, caring besides others. |
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The City Stand UP Event Against Poverty TO Alternative Noble Conference - Germany, September, 2010 |
The City Stand Up Event |
Passionate Founder Chaitanya M.R.S.K. and Director D.Dheeraja were invited to speak and attend the International Youth Conference of the Right Livelihood Foundation and the Youth Future Project on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Right Livelihood Awards, also known as “Alternative Nobel Prize”.They spoke on the 15th of September on “Role of young leaders in Social Transformation”,
The Conference took place at Bonn, Germany from 14–19 September, 2010.The aim of the conference was to bring international youth together in order to discuss important issues and problems of the future. 120 young people from across the world met, discussed, exchanged ideas and brought in suggestions for future action plans. The meeting was a unique opportunity for young people to meet with the laureates of the Right Livelihood Award, to exchange ideas, discuss solutions and to inspire new youth initiatives.
The Conference had great importance at a global scenario as this year has been declared as the International Year of Youth by the United Nations.
Chaitanya M.R.S.K conducted a workshop for the participants on social transformation and also addressed the city stand up event against poverty.
Passionate is very happy to partner with the Youth Future Project to inspire many more young people in the future. |
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Celebrity Charity Dinner – August, 2010 |
Hyderabad Marriott Hotel in association with Passionate is organizing a celebrity charity dinner on the 11th August 2010 at the Bidri, Marriott.
The event is being organized to raise money for the government school adopted by Passionate at Amberpet. The Girls Government School at Amberpet has 600 minority girls in strength and the amenities are poor, due to which the students are facing a lot of problems.
The Funds raised would be used to get proper roofing, drinking water and toilets constructed for the school. |
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Book Launch – In Pursuit of Passion, June, 2010 |
(from left – M.R.S.K. Chaitanya, Nadendla Manohar, N. Kiran Kumar Reddy, Dr. R. Prabhakar Rao, Padmashri. Pullela Gopichand, launching the book) |
The Book named In Pursuit of passion was brought out by Passionate on June 16th, 2010 at the Hyderabad Marriott hotel. The Book features 50 youth icons from Hyderabad and Andhra Pradesh. The aim of the book is to inspire young people to take up what they are passionate about and make a difference in life.
The Book was launched by the Speaker of the A.P. Legislative assembly Mr. N. Kiran Kumar Reddy and was attended by the Deputy Speaker Mr. Nedendla Manohar, Badminton Star Pullela Gopichand, Actress Bhumika Chawla, Yoga Guru Bharat Thakur and former DGP Dr. R. Prabhakar Rao.
Assembly Speaker N. Kiran Kumar Reddy welcomed the participation of youth in politics even while cautioning them that it was not an easy game. “It has been 20 years since I entered politics, and the field has changed so much that sometimes I keep wondering why I chose it,” he said in a reflective mood. He, nevertheless, encouraged and invited youth into politics which he described as an “adults only game.”
Founder secretary of the Passionate Foundation M.R.S.K. Chaitanya underscored the need for the increased presence of youth in community circles. |
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Cycle O Hyd, February 2010 |
(M.R.S.K Chaitanya along with MLA Kishan Reddy addressing the media) |
Cycle-O-Hyderabad 2010, a 5 kms funfilled cycle rally which was organized on 21st Feb from Peoples Plaza to Sanjeevaiah Park and back received a overwhelming response. It was organized by Passionate Foundation, Media Junction and Solus Media. Over 1500 cycle enthusiasts turned up to the cycle rally. The rally was organsied in four different legs, as there were 300 brand new cycles arranged by the organizer.
The first leg was flagged off by Tollywood Film Star Raja. Ms. Karuna Gopal, President Futuristic Cities, Mr. Chaitanya, Founder of Passionate Foundation graced the flag off.
MLA G. Kishan Reddy, Mr. Mark, Counsel Chief of US Consulate flagged off the second leg. Many children, women and youth turned up to participate in the rally. There was a young participant of five years old and 73 years old senior citizen also participated.
Speaking immediately after the flag off Mr. G. Kishan Reddy said the population in the city is exploding. Currently it is 70 lakhs and likely to go up to one crore soon. Similarly the number of vehicles which are currecntly 30 lakhs are going to go up to 40 lakhs soon. More usage of vehicles means more buring of fossil fuels like Petrol. And more production of carbon dioxide which adds to global warming. He appealed people to use more cycles. To encourage usage of cycles, he said Government must set up special cycle tracks which are in vogue in Delhi and other western countries.
Representatives of many social, voluntary and cultural organisations such as Lodge Keys, Freemasons, Rotarians, Round Tablers, Jaycees, and Concern for Twin Cities have participated in the rally. Members of Hyderabad Bicycling Club also took part in the rally. Students of many schools such as Meridian, DPS, Hyderabad Public School and Kendriya Vidyalaya participated in the rally. |
Chaitanya Speaks at TEDx Hitechcity – January, 2010 |
(M.R.S.K. Chaitanya at the TEDx) |
Chaitanya MRSK, founder Passionate was the youngest Speaker at the TEDx Hitechcity, held at Indian School of Business, Hyderabad on January 10th, 2010.
Chaitanya spoke on the work undertaken by Passionate and how youth can act as change agents in the society. At the end of his speech he was given a standing ovation by the audience.
A few other speakers at the event were Mr. Nadendla Manohar, Nagesh Kuknoor, Prof. Balsubramanian, and Karuna Gopal besides others. |
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